The Pitch

So the assignment in class this week was the pitch. The idea is now taking shape, but what is going to set Be Well Money apart from Ramsey or any other financial coach for that matter. It will be the behavior piece. Other coaching gives concepts and ideas that at this point are pretty well accepted, but he just tells you not to spend, don’t use a credit card and only pay cash. BWM  will be different, the why needs to be addressed to build the behavioral capacity to meet the financial goals. I guess the best analogy that comes to mind is with weight loss, everyone knows that eating healthy and working out are good, and a health coach can just tell someone here, eat these foods and do these exercises and there may be results. If that health coach will look at the reason and motivation behind why we eat certain foods or the aversion to working out, you can address the motivation behind the behavior that prevents one from meeting their goals, enter Be Well Money.

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Adam Ekhoff

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